
musalam ali almusalam musalam.net علي المسلم notes مفكرة
The 4-in-1 Pocket Screwdriver offers four drivers in one small tool that fits perfectly in your pocket. Two double-ended bits with convenient tip sizes include 5/32" standard, 1/8" standard, No. 1 Phillips and No. 2 Phillips. Versatile, compact tool is crafted with magnetic bits to easily attract and hold small screws and with soft bi-material grip for comfortable use. Nonslip textured surface provides a secure grip and increased torque. Screwdriver is ideal for toy assembly, battery compartments, eyeglasses, electronics and more.
The 4-in-1 Pocket Screwdriver offers four drivers in one small tool that fits perfectly in your pocket. Two double-ended bits with convenient tip sizes include 5/32" standard, 1/8" standard, No. 1 Phillips and No. 2 Phillips. Versatile, compact tool is crafted with magnetic bits to easily attract and hold small screws and with soft bi-material grip for comfortable use. Nonslip textured surface provides a secure grip and increased torque. Screwdriver is ideal for toy assembly, battery compartments, eyeglasses, electronics and more.
The 4-in-1 Pocket Screwdriver offers four drivers in one small tool that fits perfectly in your pocket. Two double-ended bits with convenient tip sizes include 5/32" standard, 1/8" standard, No. 1 Phillips and No. 2 Phillips. Versatile, compact tool is crafted with magnetic bits to easily attract and hold small screws and with soft bi-material grip for comfortable use. Nonslip textured surface provides a secure grip and increased torque. Screwdriver is ideal for toy assembly, battery compartments, eyeglasses, electronics and more.

القلم رقم ١٢ في سلة الأقلام، يشبههم كثيراً إلا أن دوره الوظيفي فني بحت فيما البقية يتمتعون بوظيفة واحدة متشابهة لها صوت يكتظ بالكلمات الملونة لذلك هم أوفر حظاً منه رغم أن دوره الوظيفي لا يستطيعه أي من الأقلام الاحدى عشر ولكنهم نجحوا في إقناعه أن الفني بدله عشرة وأن حياته المهنية متوقفة على بقائه معهم في سلة الأقلام.

The 4-in-1 Pocket Screwdriver offers four drivers in one small tool that fits perfectly in your pocket. Two double-ended bits with convenient tip sizes include 5/32" standard, 1/8" standard, No. 1 Phillips and No. 2 Phillips. Versatile, compact tool is crafted with magnetic bits to easily attract and hold small screws and with soft bi-material grip for comfortable use. Nonslip textured surface provides a secure grip and increased torque. Screwdriver is ideal for toy assembly, battery compartments, eyeglasses, electronics and more.

المهم نعود لهذا الصندوق الصغير الذي وصلني من أمازون الأمريكي عام ٢٠١٤ ومنذ ذلك اليوم لم يفارق مكتبي لأنه ببساطة يجعل الحياة أسهل، يتميز بأربع رؤوس متنوعة توفر علي الوقت الذي ممكن أن يضيع في البحث عن مفتاح في كومة صندوق العدد.

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musalam musalam.net علي المسلم